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Lamar Davis: Exploring Mental Health


Documentary. Lamar Davis explores the nature of mental illness. He will interview 4 different People and look into each of their mental health conditions and try to bring on an improved understanding of what is a mental Illness.


Lamar interviews Janet who is 18 and suffers from schizophrenia who is attempting to come to terms with her recent diagnosis as Lamar also  tries to explore and understand schizophrenia.

Lamar interviews Mohamed who is 32 and bisexual has suffered from Bipolar disorder and an ex-convict who has recently been released and explains how his crime and how he thinks his mental illness may have had an impact.

Lamar interviews Tom who is 24 and has suffered from depression almost all his life as he tell us about his struggles with depression as we explore the growing number of cases of depression in males.

 Lamar interviews Adele who is 52 and has suffered from anxiety all her life and explains her day to day life. Lamar also visits Dr Sam.

why did we make this documentary? 

The reason this documentary was made was to bring a greater understanding of mental health as it is a very big topic for people aged 18-25 and even people younger and older as it affects different ages, ethnicity, sexuality, regions, and genders.

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